View Profile trunks62

56 Movie Reviews

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I found all 15 of the easter eggs my first time watching...
he was thankful for
1. house
2. cat
3. bunny
4. pajama pants
5. lots of legos
6. dog
7. crayons
8. bed
9. stove
10. sink
11. empty hamster cage
12. juggling balls
13. turkey
14. dark lord
15. hutch
things i am thankful for...
1. a good nights sleep
2. same as #1
Great movie!
A must see


Great work man...
very good...
lots of action...
music goes well...
Nice plot and story line...
Overall - Perfect


Nice movie man...
Pen has to win...
either that or he pushes a fucking nuke button that strawberry clock has in his desk...
and he only has like 3 minutes to escape...
then you bust out loads of action where you see him running and killing...
strawberry clock "looks" like he is dead, but in fact he isnt.
Later in the movie he meets up with pen in a parking lot just as the nuke goes off...
Then you have a full out battle with pen and strawberry in the parking...
anyways... good movie man...
i liked it

Jeanzy responds:

hahaha thanx for the storyline mate, i'll make special request episodes when i finish this next episode.. keep the ideas comming though.


That's a good movie man.
Looks like alot of time was well spent?
Anyways... keep up the good work.
High quality!

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Okay, thanks :).Most time was wasted at waiting for the voiceovers tough...
High quality?You aren`t speaking of the graphics and voice overs ,are you?

Great job

That was by far the funniest shit I have ever seen in my entire life. keep making fun of those retards who dont have a damn sense of humor.

All movie should be like this one

This movie defines what movies should be. You did such a great job making the movie it almost made me want to give you money. I hope you have plans in the future. Man o man if this movie doesnt make it to number one people dont know what they are talking about.


The fact that this is taken from mohaa means you really didnt come up with the idea and you should be ashamed with yourself. All you did was add some of your own features and put stick figure looking guys in it.

funniest shit

This is by far one of the greatest, and funniest movies I have ever seen. It was done very well and I wish there were more or atleast a second part.


o man.
that was some funny shit.
at first i was like wtf.
the preloader was pretty cool.
now the movie...it was fuckin great
i was laughing my ass off.
the graphics were awesome.
i will have to show this to everyone i know.
since we all love final fantasy.
great job dude


First off, you could have used a pre-loader.
Secondly, lots of nintendo games sucked.
You cant really compare them to todays games.
Nintendo games were pretty awesome.
Would you say the first final fantasy was crap?
I would probably agree Dragon Lance was a crappy game since I have never played it, but you have to think of the times the games were made.
Nintendo was 1 million times better then Atari.
If you couldnt figure out that game I would have to say you are by far the stupidest person I have met.
If you are calling it crap cuz you couldnt figure it out...thats pretty sad.
I still thought you movie was funny.

Hello!!! Bye...

Age 39, Male


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